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How to Maintain a Saltwater Swimming Pool

So, you have or are considering a saltwater pool. That's great! Some of the benefits of these pool types are that salt water pools require less handling of harsh chemicals such as chlorine. Not only is the saltwater better for your skin, hair, and...

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Pool Maintenance DIY or Professional Services?

By Kathy

Regardless of where you live or how frequent it's used, if you own a pool, pool maintenance is an important factor in having a healthy pool. Maintenance can consist of anything from removing debris, balancing water chemistry, or maintaining the...

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How Much does it Cost to Install an Inground Vinyl Liner Pool

There are three different routes you can take when it comes to how to install a vinyl lined swimming pool. We'll go over some of the costs associated with each . But here's a brief video that touches on what those routes may look for someone just...

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Understanding Bonding and Grounding for Swimming Pool Equipment

If you're a pool owner, it's essential to make sure your pool equipment is properly grounded and bonded to keep your pool safe. However, for many people, this is one of the most puzzling aspects of pool construction.

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Saltwater Above Ground Pools: A Buyer’s Guide

In recent years, above ground pool owners have been looking for alternatives to traditional chlorine pools. Some are motivated by health concerns since traditional chlorine can cause eye and skin irritation for sensitive folks. Others seek a more...

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How to (Properly) Measure Your Swimming Pool for a Safety Cover

Pool covers are an essential piece of pool equipment that protects your pool when you aren't using it. When the weather is too cool to swim or if you have a pool on sometimes unoccupied property, a pool cover protects your pool by keeping it both...

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This Week's Safety Cover Photo Winner is...

We're thrilled to celebrate this month's first weekly cover photo winner! 

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Swimming Pool Closing Chemicals Made Easy

While preparing to close your swimming pool at the end of Summer you may be wondering what chemicals you put in the pool. There's an easy way to close your pool for the Winter that even makes opening it back up the following Spring easier and faster!

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2019 Cover Photo Contest Rules & Guidelines


Have eye for detail? Did you catch a perfect moment? We want to see it! Showcase your beautiful pool covered up and protected for Winter or...

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Does My Pool Need a Standard or a Custom Safety Cover?

When you own a pool, you have a responsibility to make sure its safe and secure when you aren't using it, and a safety cover is a great way to achieve that goal. Pool safety covers provide a safe and long-lasting covering that prevents children and...

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