Above ground deeper oval pool installation
All above ground pools are NON-DIVING as classified by NSPI standards
Complete steps 1 - 8 of the oval installation manual then complete the steps D1 to D3 below to make your oval deeper on one end or deeper in the middle before going to step 9 in the oval installation manual.

D2 : Tightly coil the strap back to within 15" - 18" of the hold down plate. As you coil the straps, make sure that you do not allow space between the coils. A tight coil will prevent the strap from tightening and the brace from leaning as the pool fills with water. Tightly wrap wire around the coils to prevent the coil from springing loose.

D3: Put the coiled strap into the post hole. You can put all three straps on each side in the holes for a middle deeper pool or 2 straps on each side for a deeper on one end pool.

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