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Reducing Pool Pump Energy Usage

By Josh - Updated On: 09/26/18

This article will cover the most efficient methods for using your pool pump — so that you get the most bang for your buck!

How Powerful is Your Pump?

The truth of the matter is, you can’t own a pool and keep it in good shape without a high-quality pool pump. Unfortunately, your pool pump uses a lot of energy, more than any other pool equipment you have. The first question you have to ask yourself is, how powerful is your pump? For example, you’ll use a lot more energy if your pool pump only operates at one or two levels. Slower, less powerful levels operate with less power, which means it has to work harder than other pumps just to circulate your pool water and sanitize it properly. The slower the pump, the more you’ll save—because it’s saving energy.

So, if you have a pump that only allows you to pick from one speed, it may cost you close to $900 a year! A pump that offers you several different speeds to choose from could save you roughly $600-700 a year. The single most important thing to remember if you want to reduce your cost, is the more energy your pump expends, the more expensive it will be to maintain.

Run Your Pump Conservatively

By conservatively, we mean you only need to run your pump as it’s needed. Don’t skimp too much on the pump time, or you’ll need to spend more money on chemicals. But, spend too much time running your pump, and you’ll pay for a sky-high energy bill! As a rule of thumb, project to run the pump for about four hours a day during the colder months, and eight hours a day during the summer months. To be on the safe side, you can over filter during the summer months, at 10-12 hours daily.

Invest in a Powerful Pump

Investing in the right pump is so important because it’s efficient, and it will save you a hefty expense—especially during the summertime when you need to filter your pool for the majority of the day. When you reduce the speed of your pump, you are able to cut your pump time by almost half—which is why dual speed (otherwise known as two speed) pumps are so powerful and practical (they can reduce energy costs by 30 percent.) A bigger filter is another way you can add more efficiency to your pump.

By applying these ‘rules’ for a more powerful pump, you’ll see immediate changes to your pool, the effectiveness of your pump, and your monthly bill!


