Ways to Save Water in Your Swimming Pool
Several factors tie into why you may be loosing water from your swimming pool. Everything from a leak, to evaporation, to cannonballs.
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Several factors tie into why you may be loosing water from your swimming pool. Everything from a leak, to evaporation, to cannonballs.
Holes and tears in a vinyl liner are one of the worst things that can happen to your pool, and depending on how damaged the liner is, it may require a replacement rather than a simple fix. So how do you prevent holes in your liner in the first place?
The swimming pool; your personal watering hole for entertainment. But when the sun sets and the cool evening air arrives, your oasis doesn't have to be abandoned. Here's some items that hundreds of costumes use to bring their backyard to life until...
Above ground or semi-inground swimming pools are an affordable option for homeowners that would like a swimming pool, but do not want the expense or long term commitment for a permanent in-ground pool.
But, with so many options out there, narrowing...
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