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Can I Let My Pool Freeze Over in the Winter?

It's winter. It's cold and the last thing you want to do is go outside and work on your pool. Letting it freeze over is sounding like a better idea with every degree the temperature drops. But should you let your pool freeze? Or will freezing water...

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5 Reasons to Build a Pool in the Fall

By Greg

Are you tired of heading to the gym every time you want to swim a few laps? Does it seem like a chore to pack up snacks, towels and floaty’s for the kids—just to get an afternoon of swimming in at your public pool? Luckily, there’s a much better way...

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6 Tips to Transform your backyard into an Oasis

An oasis is defined as that gloriously lush waterhole found in a dry hot desert. But you don't have to be in the desert to experience an oasis. After all, an oasis is to a desert like Central Park is to New York. It's a lushly green, vibrant area to...

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Top 10 tips for the ultimate pool party

There are so many great reasons to have a pool party! New Pool Party, Beginning of Summer Soiree, End Of Summer Send-Off, 4th of July, Nautical Movie Release, even getting extra excited about Shark Week! The point is that if you have a pool, you...

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What is Included with a Royal Swimming Pools Inground Pool Kit?

At Royal Swimming Pools, all of our pool kits come with everything pool related that you'll need to build your backyard retreat! Everything sold separately will be simple building supplies that can be purchased at your local hardware store. After...

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What Size Swimming Pool Should I Get?

The BIG kahuna of pool questions: what size? This question affects so many factors when not only buying your pool, but also when building, maintaining, and ultimately enjoying the space you created.

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What Swimming Pool Shape Should I Get?

First, you have to know that the options are endless for your pool shape. Choosing a shape essentially comes down to two major points: Personal preference and how much room you have in your yard. That being said, it’s wise to put additional thought...

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What if an 18-wheeler can't deliver to my address?

By Zach

Congratulations! You've found your next favorite place to relax at home! You have a new pool, spa, or sauna heading your way! Just one minor detail stands in between you, and your backyard oasis: how is it going to be delivered?

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Mineral Pool Systems: Diving into the Benefits

By Meagan

A mineral system is an alternative or supplementary means of sanitizing your pool; an important step in swimming pool maintenance. They use minerals, metals, or elements from the natural environment to produce water quality benefits that would...

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Why is my swimming pool liner floating?

A swimming pool is a perfect way to cool off under the hot summer sun and bring family and friends together.  Along with the summer sun also comes those pesky rainy days.

Without proper care, liners are subject to “float” during the spring and early...

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