The diagrams below are meant to be general examples of how you can route your swimming pool's plumbing as well as how you can set up your equipment pad. If you have questions you can leave them in the comment section below or you're always welcome to contact our team!
Skimmers and returns locations should be placed intentionally. For example, if you have prevailing winds that typically come from one side of your yard, you'll want to place the skimmers on the side that would allow water to be pushed into the skimmer by the wind.
An little known fact is that water in a swimming pool tends to naturally move counter clockwise. Returns (aka inlets) the come with adjustable "eyeballs" so you can fine tune the water direction even after installation in order to fine tune and help your water circulation.
With any newly installed residential swimming pool, main drains must be installed in accordance with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. See our article here for more information on why you need two main drains.
1 Skimmer, 2 Main Drains, & 2 Returns
1 Skimmer, 2 Main Drains, & 3 Returns
2 Skimmers, 2 Main Drains, & 3 Returns
Below is an example of how your pool's filtration system could be set up. Depending on which equipment items you have this set up will vary but should give you a good idea for moving forward.
Can't get enough? Here are some additional resources you may find useful.