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How to Close an Above Ground Pool

Written by Team Royal | 9/25/24 4:11 PM

Closing Your Pool For The Winter

Closing an above ground pool correctly is essential to prevent damage during the off-season and ensure an easy opening next year. Proper winterization protects your pool from harsh winter weather, reduces maintenance needs, and extends the life of your pool components. By taking the time to close your pool properly, you avoid costly repairs and enjoy a stress-free start to the next swimming season.

Table of Contents
Preparing Your Pool for Closing
Draining Your Pool For The Winter
Cleaning and Storing Your Pool Equipment
Extra Tips For Winterizing Your Pool
Securing the Pool with a Protective Cover
How to Close an Above Ground Pool FAQs


Preparing Your Pool for Closing

Properly preparing your pool for closing is crucial to ensure it remains in excellent condition throughout the winter and is ready for use in the spring. Follow these steps to clean your pool, balance the water chemicals, and add necessary winterizing chemicals.

  1. Clean the Pool
    • Remove all debris, leaves, and dirt from the pool. Use a leaf net or skimmer to clear the surface and any floating particles.
    • Thoroughly vacuum the bottom of the pool to remove any settled dirt or debris. This ensures that the pool is as clean as possible before winterizing.
    • Skim the surface of the pool to remove any remaining debris. A clean pool reduces the chances of staining and algae growth during the winter months.
  2. Balance Water Chemicals
    • Use a pool water testing kit to check the levels of pH, alkalinity, and chlorine. Properly balanced water prevents scale buildup and corrosion.
    • Adjust the pH level to be between 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH is too low, add a pH increaser; if it’s too high, use a pH decreaser.
    • Maintain alkalinity levels between 80 and 120 ppm. This helps stabilize the pH levels and prevent fluctuations.
    • Ensure the chlorine level is between 1 and 3 ppm. This keeps the water sanitized and free from harmful bacteria.
  3. Shock the Pool
    • Add a pool shock to eliminate any remaining bacteria or algae. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the correct dosage, typically based on your pool’s volume.
    • Pour the shock around the perimeter of the pool to ensure even distribution and effectiveness.
  4. Add Winterizing Chemicals
    • Use a winterizing chemical kit designed for above ground pools. This typically includes algaecide and a winter floater with chlorine.
    • Add the recommended amount of algaecide to prevent algae growth during the winter.
    • Place a winter floater with chlorine in the pool. This helps maintain water quality and prevents bacteria buildup.


Draining Your Pool For The Winter

Correctly lowering the water level in your above ground pool is essential to prevent freezing and structural damage during the winter. It’s important not to completely drain the pool, as this can lead to liner shrinkage and other issues.

Follow these steps to ensure your pool is properly prepared for the cold season:

  • Turn off the pump and filter: Before starting the process, ensure all electrical components are switched off to avoid any damage or accidents.
  • Connect a hose: Attach a hose to your submersible pump or use the pool’s backwash hose to direct the drained water away from the pool area.
  • Begin draining: Use a submersible pump or the pool’s pump with a backwash setting to start draining the water.
  • Monitor the process: Continuously check the water level as it lowers to avoid over-draining.
  • Stop draining: Halt the process once the water level is 4-6 inches below the skimmer. This is the optimal level to prevent freezing and protect the pool structure.
  • Inspect the pool: After draining, check the pool’s structure for any signs of stress or damage. The remaining water will support the pool walls and liner, helping to maintain their integrity throughout the winter.


Grab Your Above Ground Pool Closing Kit

  1. Winterizing Chemicals: Purchase a closing kit that includes chlorine, algaecide, and a winter floater. These chemicals prevent algae growth and keep the water clean throughout the winter.
  2. Follow Instructions: Add the chemicals as per the kit’s instructions, ensuring even distribution throughout the pool to maximize their effectiveness.
  3. Benefits: Using a closing kit simplifies the process and ensures you have all necessary chemicals in the right quantities, providing peace of mind that your pool is well-protected.


Cleaning and Storing Your Pool Equipment

Follow these detailed steps to disconnect, clean, and store your equipment effectively:

  1. Disconnect Equipment
    • Turn Off the Pump and Filter: Before starting, make sure to turn off all electrical connections to avoid accidents.
    • Detach Hoses, Ladders, and Accessories: Carefully detach all hoses, ladders, and accessories from the pool. Handle each piece gently to avoid causing any damage.
  2. Clean Thoroughly
    • Clean the Pump and Filter: Use water and a mild detergent to clean the pump and filter. This removes any built-up debris, dirt, and chemical residues.
    • Rinse Equipment: After cleaning with detergent, rinse the equipment thoroughly with clean water to ensure no soap remains.
    • Dry Completely: Allow all components to dry completely before storing. Any remaining moisture can lead to mold and mildew growth during storage, which can damage the equipment.
  3. Store Properly
    • Choose a Dry, Sheltered Place: Store all cleaned and dried equipment in a dry, sheltered location away from freezing temperatures. A garage, basement, or shed can be an ideal storage space.
    • Organize Neatly: Organize the equipment neatly to avoid any parts getting misplaced or damaged. Store hoses coiled and off the ground to prevent kinks.
    • Check Periodically: Periodically check on the stored equipment throughout the winter to ensure it remains dry and free from pests.


Extra Tips For Winterizing Your Pool

  • Use an Air Pillow: Place an air pillow in the center of the pool to support the cover and reduce ice pressure, which can damage the pool walls.
  • Install a Pool Cover: Use a durable, winter-specific pool cover and ensure it is securely fastened to protect the pool from debris and harsh weather.
  • Monitor the Cover: Check the cover periodically for rips or tears and remove any excess water or debris that accumulates on top.


Securing the Pool with a Protective Cover

  • Choose the Right Cover: Select a high-quality, winter-specific cover that fits your pool size. A good cover will protect your pool from winter elements and keep debris out.
  • Secure Tightly: Use water bags or cover clips to ensure the cover stays in place during windy conditions, preventing it from blowing off and exposing your pool.
  • Inspect Regularly: Regularly check the cover for signs of wear or damage. Address any issues promptly to maintain the cover's integrity throughout the winter.


How to Close an Above Ground Pool - Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is the best time to close my above ground pool?

    Close your pool when the water temperature consistently drops below 60°F to prevent algae growth and ensure optimal conditions for winterizing chemicals.

  • Do I need to lower the water level when closing my above ground pool?

    Yes, lower the water level to 4-6 inches below the skimmer. This helps prevent damage from freezing water while maintaining enough water to support the pool structure.

  • What chemicals are necessary for winterizing an above ground pool?

    Use a winterizing kit that includes chlorine, algaecide, and a winter floater. These chemicals help maintain water quality and prevent algae growth during the off-season.

  • How do I clean and store the pool equipment for winter?

    Disconnect, clean with water and mild detergent, rinse, dry, and store in a dry place. Proper storage prevents damage and ensures equipment is ready for use next season.

  • How should I cover my above ground pool for winter?

    Use a durable winter cover, secure it with water bags or cover clips, and check it regularly for any damage or debris buildup.

  • Do I need an air pillow under my pool cover?

    Yes, an air pillow helps support the cover and reduces ice pressure, which can protect the pool walls from damage.

  • Can I use my pool cover pump during winter?

    Yes, a pool cover pump can remove excess water and prevent cover damage, ensuring your pool remains protected throughout the winter.

  • What should I do if my pool cover rips or tears during the winter?

    Repair small tears with a patch kit or replace the cover if the damage is extensive. Prompt repairs ensure the cover continues to protect your pool effectively.